This site houses my thoughts and rumblings on several subjects I must study and reflect on and does in no way express the opinion of my employers (present and past).
Sometimes I must deliver an internal report, provide internal training, participate in a web/seminar, where not everything fits into the allotted 1-page exec summary or the five mins.
This resource is where I house the unused materials for future reference… My boss and, sometimes, our customers, paid for them… why let them go to waste?
In other instances, the subject matter must be delivered dry and professional. Still, it could also have been produced in a more lighthearted and funny way, much more engaging, but not boardroom ready. I house those versions in this resource.
And the final reason for this: Facebook is killing our ability to have long toughs! Not for the sake of complexity, but some problems can’t be solved on 140 characters! We now call this “Deep Thinking”